Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Thompson, Luis; Porte, Lorena; Díaz, Violeta; Díaz Jarabran, María Cristina; Solar, Sebastián; Valenzuela, Pablo; Norley, Nicole; Pires, Yumai; Carreño, Fernando; Valenzuela, Sergio; Shabani, Rukmane; Rickerts, Volker; Weitzel, Thomas Fritz (MDPI, 2021)
      We describe a case of chronic meningoencephalitis with hydrocephalus caused by Cryptococcus bacillisporus (VGIII) in an immunocompetent patient from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. This first report of a member of the Cryptococcus ...
    • Bravo, Verónica; Katz Zondek, Assaf; Porte, Lorena; Weitzel, Thomas; Varela, Carmen; González Escalona, Narjol; BlondelI, Carlos J. (Public Library Science, 2021)
      Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are the leading cause of human gastroenteritis in the industrialized world and an emerging threat in developing countries. The incidence of campylobacteriosis in South America ...